Blackcats-Games referrals update

Posted by TEAM FILEnetworks | 11/03/2008 | | 51 Comments »

About a month ago we reported about the launch of referrals feature at Blackcats-Games (BCG), one of the most popular dedicated games torrent trackers on the net. Referrals feature was BCG’s alternative to an invite system where existing members can refer new users to the site (For more information on the referrals feature including how to use it, please see this article). Initially, referrals were only given to those ranked at or above ‘Super Power User (SPU)’.

The good news is that BCG added two referrals each for ALL  users with the Badge of Honor (regardless of the user’s rank) several hours ago. Here is the announcement posted on the site:

These are still in the testing stages, but we believe most of the important coding works on them.
So I have just give every User and Every Power User that has the badge of honour when i done it 2 referral codes.
If you have not got the badge Of Honour, then sorry but you missed out this time.
Also SPU and Above got 2 new codes with this as well,
We now have nearly 40,000 referrals in the System, so lets bring in some Quality members.
There is no FAQ/Rules for these yet, but here is the Thread I started when we had the Idea, Everything is either the same, or very close as to what is in there, so it will do until we can write up the Rules and FAQ for it.
Remember there are Bonuses for inviting good members, as well as Consequences for inviting bad ones.  But im am sure most of you have good judgement and can make this tracker even better than it is now.
The Staff

As you can see from the above, there are now around 40000 referrals in the system – getting hold of one should now be a lot easier than it used to be. This should be welcome news to those willing to get into the site including those who lost accounts when BCG changed login page as well as brand new members.


What is the badge of honor? 

The badge of honor is awarded to BCG members who have no hit and runs. That is, every torrent downloaded must be seeded back at least to a 0.80 ratio or more (either by actual upload or via seed points credited upload). To see if you have the badge of honor, look for the icon_badge icon in your BCG user details page.

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  1. Unknown // 11/03/2008 04:20:00 PM  

    Hey please send a referel to me id is or

  2. xabi // 11/03/2008 07:03:00 PM  

    Is there any way I can recover my acoount? I had tons of G uploaded. I was off internet for a few months and I can't login on BCG right now!

  3. Sara // 11/04/2008 07:10:00 AM  

    I'll trade iptorrents or demonoid for a blackcat invite

  4. Sara // 11/04/2008 07:10:00 AM  

    To clarify, I have IPT and Demon, for a BCG invite, thanks.

  5. Ssseth // 11/04/2008 10:54:00 AM  
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  6. Lightning_Struck_Tower // 11/04/2008 12:01:00 PM  

    You have to type referal in the search box. Any other spelling will not do.

  7. Lightning_Struck_Tower // 11/04/2008 12:06:00 PM  

    If you are a power user in, you can get a free blackcats referal through their power user forums.

    The specific thread can be found here:

    This is visible only to power users @ What.CD.

  8. Constantine Nunes // 11/05/2008 11:24:00 AM  

    Please give me a referral..

    I have demonoid, PWTorrents, and other invites for ya..

    Please No Spam...Everytime I type in referal in black-cats...I get directed to google.

  9. Shayne // 11/05/2008 08:33:00 PM  


    #1. Trading for blackcats invites is against the rules. At least it was before I accidentaly lost my account there.
    #2. For the recover and referral commands, you just type in the word and then wait (don't press enter or submit). A box should appear at the bottom that you can put your referral and email info in. Even though referral is spelled with two R's (at least in my dictionary), you need to put in "referal" (only one R).

    Good luck.

    PS - To anyone reading this, I haven't got a referral yet if you feel like making this ol' chaps day. Ssseth [at] gmail [dot] com :)

  10. God Hand // 11/06/2008 03:59:00 PM  

    Can anyone send me the referal link please. Im a power user at IPT( and VIP at but I need a video game site to download from and Black-Cats is probably the best. Please send the referal link to I wont mess your reputation up.

  11. Unknown // 11/06/2008 06:11:00 PM  

    I had an account at blackcats(I think I still have it).I generated the keyword,but every time I try to login nothing happens.I did everything,put the keyword in the search box,and my username and password in the boxes below.When I press enter the site takes me back to fake login page,so nothing happens.I tried recover and got the same result.I tried to login with IE,Firefox(also deleted cache and cookies here),Opera and Safari and still I wasn't able to get into the site.I asked stoi(at filesharingtalk forum)why is that so and he said that nothing is wrong with the site and the issue is at my end.So if anyone wants to give me an invite i would be thankful although I don't know if I will be able to login because of everything I mentioned above.My e-mail is and I have accounts at various sites, for example I am a member at Torrentbytes for more than 3 years now.

  12. Unknown // 11/06/2008 06:13:00 PM  

    Oh and yes,please do send me those beautiful spam e-mails if it makes you any happy.

  13. Unknown // 11/07/2008 03:47:00 AM  

    Hey a=i also had an account with backcats but didnt generate key, please send me referral i will send invitation for FUNFILE.
    God bless.

  14. nnndoh // 11/07/2008 08:05:00 PM  

    can someone with acces look into my account and give me the referral number or change the email adres?

  15. راكان // 11/09/2008 11:20:00 PM  

    please can anybody invite me??

    i have ps3 wii and Ds

    and i was a good member but i lost my connection for 2 months and they deleted me when they made the Fake Page

    please help me and i am a good leecher :>


  16. melkatry // 11/13/2008 12:44:00 AM  

    can i have one please ?

    my email is

  17. Unknown // 11/13/2008 08:48:00 AM  

    Could someone please send me an invite? I was a previous member since Sep 2007 with 120GB+ U/L. I can send a copy of my original Blackcats 2.1 user registration email for verification.

    Please email Thanks.

  18. m4rc3l1n0 // 11/14/2008 10:29:00 PM  

    I need an invite
    I was a good user @ black cats
    with a 1.5 ratio
    please send invite to

  19. Ladd // 11/15/2008 05:46:00 AM  

    eMail me at

    I have a invite; want a Blackcats-Games one.

  20. ThePhoneKing // 11/17/2008 04:51:00 PM  

    I have an FTP search engine to share with any people to reffer me at, if you want to exchange it contact with me at


  21. bower84 // 11/19/2008 07:17:00 PM  

    hey if anyone can send me a referal i am willing to trade something got tons of info, beauty porn! like webcam vids n stuff lol :) Aside from that got some real cool programs so send me an email and we can sort something out! so desperate to get on ere so will be totaly a good member!!! contact me!
    Cheers! ;)

  22. ... // 11/21/2008 06:00:00 PM  

    hey guys ;) just wanted to Beg for invitations lol. Anything will do :p iptorrent, demonoid or if you'r crazy, a blackcatsgames one :p LOL


  23. ... // 11/21/2008 06:08:00 PM  

    a torrentleech one would be nice too :D

  24. m4rc3l1n0 // 11/26/2008 03:31:00 PM  

    I was a good user with a ratio 1.5
    need a referral
    plz send invite to

  25. Sam // 12/01/2008 07:31:00 AM  

    Hello, I would love a referral, and would offer up my bitGAMER account for one
    It currently has a ration of 6!!!, email me if you have one and are interested

  26. Unknown // 12/02/2008 01:27:00 AM  

    hey I'm one of the people who lost their account when the login page was changed since I didn't have internet access for a while but I had about a 2.0 ratio so you won't have to worry about me being a leecher.

    so I'm asking for a referral, if you have any left

  27. cedp // 12/03/2008 11:00:00 AM  

    Hello all, I'm trying to acquire a referral to BCG. I was a Power User with a 3+ ratio. I lost my account, and nearly everything to Hurricane Ike. I just got back on the internet. If anyone can send me a refferal I would greatly appreciate it...

  28. Aeruzen // 12/03/2008 03:38:00 PM  

    Yo, can anyone kindly send me a referral? I would love to join BCG and share what I can... thanks!

  29. Unknown // 12/10/2008 10:25:00 AM  

    Hi, I have / had a Blackcats Account and when the page changed, I thought something happened and completely forgot about the changes they announce. I generated my keyword, but I can't seem to recover my account. My username was Linksrevenge. If it is no longer there, can someone please send me a referral? e-mail: -- Thanks!

  30. Clutch73 // 12/19/2008 01:04:00 PM  

    Could i please get a referral for blackcat i have demoniod and scenemachine invites.

  31. Unknown // 12/20/2008 08:23:00 AM  
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  32. Unknown // 12/20/2008 08:26:00 AM  

    Ratio: 1.203 Uploaded: 95.16 GB Downloaded: 79.12 GB - Midnight Torrents
    All my individual torrents are @ 1.2 ratio
    Im also willing to forward some cash for a blackcats referal.

  33. Tiglar // 12/22/2008 10:01:00 AM  

    Hi I used to be an avid user on Blackcats. I stopped accessing the site regularly when my wii stopped working. :[ I had about a 2.5 ratio with at least 100+GB seeded. If anyone could refer me back to the wonderful world of blackcats, it would mean a lot!. thanks in advance..

  34. Unknown // 12/27/2008 09:11:00 AM  

    I'm a BC SPU and I have 5 referrals open to those who use to be members but lost your account during the login page creation. Hit me up here.

  35. toenail // 12/27/2008 11:00:00 PM  
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  36. toenail // 12/27/2008 11:02:00 PM  
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  37. Unknown // 12/28/2008 05:26:00 AM  
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  38. O.S // 12/28/2008 01:19:00 PM  

    Sup ike,check your inbox for a sez.thats me

  39. Sawyer815 // 1/08/2009 01:24:00 AM  

    Hello I Am an uploader of games of psp. I love the games love to rise and am mad to enter(approach) to the ftp aver if they can order me an invitation this one it is my mail: am ready to pay for.

  40. Sawyer815 // 1/08/2009 01:24:00 AM  

    Hello I Am an uploader of games of psp. I love the games love to rise and am mad to enter(approach) to the ftp aver if they can order me an invitation this one it is my mail: am ready to pay for.

  41. Tricksta_ // 1/17/2009 11:43:00 AM  

    I have tons of content to trade, looking to get hooked up on Blackcat games if anyone out there is still inviting, email -, or if this is the wrong way of going about it can you email me with some info on how to get on board with Blackcat?

    Thanks in Advance

  42. Unknown // 1/24/2009 08:58:00 AM  

    Ok so with everyone asking for a referral chances are low on you getting back to me, but on the off chance some BCG user wants to invite a good member that will benefit them, I thought I'd still post.
    With I have a 4.044 rating with 1.07TB up and 270.28GB down. On Demonoid I have a 2.38 ratio with 86.17GB up and 36.22GB down. thanks I'd like to be part of the BCG club. Contact me and if you want some kind of proof we can figure that out.

  43. Glumble // 1/31/2009 01:25:00 PM  

    wow, get banned from the internet for 4 months and look what happens.... Bleh, my account is gone since I wasn't here to generate a key. I had a 2.7 ratio tho, so if anyone wants to send a code to joshjn2020 {a.t.} gmail {dot} com I'd really appreciate it.
    I can give a demonoid invite in exchange.

  44. Anonymous // 2/03/2009 07:18:00 AM  

    can someone please give me a referral ( I was on Blackcats a long time ago and I left cause my computer couldn't handle new games anymore. I have a new computer now but now blackcats stopped doing sign ups.

    I was in good standing and a power user.

  45. Unknown // 2/07/2009 03:20:00 AM  


  46. rheu // 3/10/2009 10:25:00 AM  
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  47. Anonymous // 1/17/2010 06:18:00 AM  
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  48. Anonymous // 1/17/2010 06:28:00 AM  

    Hello, I actually never heard of this site. I have been using demonoid for a while. Until for some reason, it got deleted, so I just deal with it. I heard this site from a forum, I was wondering if any Black Cats Gamers member would give me a referal, I would be very glad, and thank you if anyone will give me one. :D

  49. Blazed420x // 1/24/2010 03:29:00 PM
    I love my xbox 360 like no other and just recently started backing up my games. However it is so hard to find a proper torrent for some games i have. I keep my computer on 24/7 and have cable internet so uploading won't be a problem. I am only 18 and as of right now dont have a job so i cant afford mIRC. If anyone can help me get an account id appreciate it. I also understand that my email address might be unaccepted form but i will get one if someone can send me an invite. Thanks and happy gaming to all.

  50. Alex // 2/11/2010 12:07:00 PM  

    I would really appreciate a referal to, i'd be willing to trade an invite to something like Demonoid or even google wave for such a referal. I know what to do for registration, I just need a referal. Email me at if your interested

  51. Alex // 2/11/2010 07:45:00 PM  

    Sorry about the above error. Email me at not