First of all sorry about the lack of updates. This was due to the theme update which took longer than expected. In the meantime, two well known private torrent trackers have opened signups. This post is about PREtorians; a well known general tracked based in Hungary.
Although the site interface and some releases are in Hungarian, there is a fair amount of English content available as well. Something I have noticed about this PREtorians is that it has a lot of releases by Hungarian scene/p2p groups. In addition to general content, it tracks a lot of movies; both English and Hungarian. With 28500+ users and nearly 10000 indexed torrents, PREtorians is quite large for a private tracker.
Site Name: PREtorians
Signup URL:
- Film/DVD-R/Eng
- Film/DVD-R/Hun
- Film/DVD9/Hun
- Film/HD/Eng
- Film/HD/Hun
- Film/XViD/Eng
- Film/XViD/Hun
- Játék/DOX
- Játék/PCiso
- Játék/PS2
- Játék/Wii
- Játék/XBOX (XBOX360)
- Lossless
- Mp3/Eng
- Mp3/Hun
- Music-Video
- Program/iSO
- Program/RiP
- Sorozat/Eng
- Sorozat/Hun
*Játék = Games, Sorozat = TV Shows, Hun tag means HUngarian language while Eng tag means English language.
A brief translation of signup page:
- Kivánt felhasználónév: - Username
- Jelszó: - Password
- Jelszó megerősítése: - Retype Password
- Email cím (az oldalon email cím változtatásra nincsen lehetöség):Nemed - Email
- Last three checkboxes stand for 'Read FAQ?', 'Read Rules?', and 'Above 13 years of age?'.
And in the interface, Letoltes means Download.
'Letoltes' means Download, not Browse...
Corrected and thanks for clearing that up. I assumed that it meant browse since the button linked to browse.php.