We bring you news of another rather unknown but promising private torrent tracker. LzTr is a private tracker that tracks mainly English soundtracks but also contains some classical music torrents as well. Currently there are only around 200 torrents and 110 users on this tracker but these stats will improve gradually as the site gains more publicity. As mentioned in the title, LzTr uses the Gazelle codebase.

The site is currently open for signup and new users will get 2 invites as well as 5GB upload credit immediately after account activation. Go ahead and check it out. This tracker looks promising.


Site Name: LzTr

Signup URL: http://www.lztr.us/gazelle/register.php


  1. GDP // 10/06/2008 09:07:00 AM  


    can you do us a favor and explain what this new "Gazelle codebase" (that we are seeing around all over the place)is? or at lease point us to some site that can explain it?

    thank you

  2. TEAM FILEnetworks // 10/06/2008 12:18:00 PM  

    Most of the private torrent trackers use a standard template such as Tbsource rather than coding from scratch. That's why you see similarities in the layout although these can be highly customized.

    Gazelle is a new similar private tracker script which is faster, easier to maintain and supports the addition of external modules.

    More info here: