Finally, a crack that activates Vista! There's been many cracks for Vista which were in the form of TimeStoppers. These cracks merely delayed activation. The only working activation crack was the hacked KMS server image (MelindaGates Activation Server image) which many people found difficult to execute. Well, now there is no need to mount images and pull your hair off of trying to get Vista activated. TEAM Paradox has stepped up and kicked serious Microsoft ass with the Vista BIOS Emulation Crack!

How does it work?

Microsoft has allowed the selling of pre activated systems with Vista for major PC manufacturers such as Lenovo and Acer. This crack is designed to emulate the BIOS of a branded PC from Acer, ASUS, Lenovo etc.

BIOS emulation + OEM Certificate + Product Key == Legitimate, Activated copy of Windows Vista

This involves BIOS emulation. Will it screw my PC?

This crack does NOT flash your BIOS at any rate. Nor does it change any setting in the BIOS. Unlike the troublesome 'Vista Loader' crack (which used BIOS emulation as well) this crack does NOT use vstaldr Grup multiboot boot loader to load the emulation driver during initial boot up of system. Instead, this crack is 100% software based. (in fact, it's only a software driver which runs in Vista environment)

Who made it?

The original crack was made by Team Paradox. The one click version with automation was created by CLoNY. Credit goes to all of them!


This crack works with any Windows Vista 32-bit version only. It does not work with 64-bit installations.


  1. JR 2007 // 3/13/2007 09:48:00 AM  

    Thanks for this guys :)

  2. ctrl // 3/13/2007 11:40:00 AM  

    Being one of the first adopters of Vista...I can say how much is sickens me...THAT I ACTUALLY HANDED OVER CASH FOR THIS POS. Now...with that out of the way...I did try this "activator" just to see how valid it was and I was actually quite surprised it worked so well. Albeit there were some issues between an ABIT box and an ASUS box that I tested on. The ABIT having some weird issues, this on an otherwise flawlessly working box prior to putting this P-OS on it. Both using the ASUS BIOS crack...err...activator!

  3. Mendee黒川 // 3/15/2007 08:11:00 AM  

    could i update the cracked VISTA?

  4. Unknown // 3/16/2007 09:01:00 AM  

    Once we use this activator, would my system information be replaced like the BIOS and stuff?


  5. Shakermaker // 3/16/2007 08:10:00 PM  

    FYI that this crack does NOT work on Vista Enterprise edition.

  6. Lightning_Struck_Tower // 3/16/2007 11:30:00 PM  

    ""Once we use this activator, would my system information be replaced like the BIOS and stuff?""

    No it's only a software driver which runs in background. No BIOS modification is done.

  7. Unknown // 3/19/2007 07:40:00 PM  

    What I meant was, will my system information still continue to show my actual bios version and stuff or an 'emulated' name: in System Information in the Accessories menu?

  8. Anonymous // 3/20/2007 04:32:00 AM  


  9. Unknown // 5/07/2007 07:57:00 PM  

    This crack does not work when you install certain system drivers (even before or after driver upgrades). I know for a fact that if you have a nVidia based MB it will show royal.sys BSOD. I have tried everything but still BSOD.

  10. sanch // 12/24/2007 12:06:00 AM  

    what is the link to download this crack

  11. Stan004 // 1/13/2009 01:03:00 AM  

    A technician Installed Vista on my laptop after 3 months a warning message appeared on the lower right part of my screen that my Vista is not genuine and now it is asking for a product key. Can I have that product key please. Thank you so Much =)

  12. Lightning_Struck_Tower // 1/13/2009 01:05:00 AM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  13. Lightning_Struck_Tower // 1/13/2009 01:05:00 AM  

    stan004, sorry do not ask for product keys or download links here.

  14. Jasbir // 5/18/2009 10:35:00 PM  

    To admin,

    How come is down?

  15. Unknown // 10/20/2009 11:40:00 AM  

    Certainly, it is a great informative article,
    but I have found this activator is not compatible with some of the drivers.

    Web Designing - Web Development

  16. shaik // 9/20/2011 09:23:00 AM  

    sir thanks for the lovely post and a crack as i am a new person for this IT worlf i dont know all this concepts of bios emulator,product key and oem certificate, and i need to overcome from this black screen of windows i am currently using windos vista black by benjamin 2009 ver. sp1. can you please help me out, i will be thankful to you,

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