By now, each and every regular reader of this blog are likely to be a proud member of TorrentLeech (TL) tracker. But for those who don’t know what it is, TorrentLeech is the de facto king of private BitTorrent trackers. This 7+ year old file sharing community boasts a nearly 50000 strong torrent index, excellent download speeds and a very active user base comprised of hard core BitTorrent users. Now, TL is a private community with registrations usually closed to new members. However, getting invited in is actually pretty easy. Did you know that TL now has in place a fully automated IRC invite bot that serves free invites instantly? All you have to do is to log into their public invites IRC channel and type in your E-mail address. If you are too lazy to set up IRC connectivity, TL now allows you to connect to the chatroom through the browser itself.


Although it is now easy for even a beginner to get into TL, keeping the account without getting banned is a different story. You have to adhere to ratio rules if you are to survive there. It is strongly recommended that you read TL rules and FAQ before going on a downloading spree. The TorrentLeech Wiki has all the info and guides you’ll ever need. You can access it from here - More information about the TL tracker including screenshots can be found here.

How To Get A Free TorrentLeech Invite

  1. Visit
  2. Enter a user name – This is just to join the chat room. This will not be your TL account user name. Click the ‘chat’ button once you are done.
  3. If you are using Google Chrome and get a ‘out of date plugin’ warning, try clicking on the ‘Run this time’ button below the address bar. In most cases this should work. If it does not, you’ll have to download and install the Java plugin from here.
  4. You will get a Java security warning. Press ‘Run’ to load the java based chat window within the browser.
  5. You will automatically connect to TLs’ public invite request channel. Do not spam this channel. Do not say “hi”, “hello”, “can I haz invite plz” or anything else. Just type a valid E-mail address of yours and hit enter. You will immediately be disconnected from the channel. A TL invite will be sent to the E-mail address you just entered (the invite usually arrives from mailer[at]torrentleech[dot]org). Follow the instructions on the invite E-mail to complete the signup process.

Regular readers of the blog might find the content of this article a bit redundant. That’s because we have already in the past posted numerous articles on how to get into TL. However, if you have less BitTorrent savvy friends on Facebook, Twitter, etc, share this post with them so that they can be a part of this wonderful tracker as well.

Note - If you are thinking of copy/pasting this article somewhere else (let it be on a external forum or a blog), please do us a favor and link to this original article instead of reposting the entire content elsewhere. We are rebuilding site traffic and search rankings and it would help us greatly if our content is not duplicated elsewhere. Thanks for understanding.

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  1. TEAM FILEnetworks // 1/23/2012 05:58:00 AM  

    Restart your browser and try again. Make sure you click 'Run' when the java security warning pops up. Which browser did you try this on?

  2. raytian // 1/23/2012 06:45:00 AM  

    i also get that problem. Tried on different browser. same errors

  3. Alan // 1/23/2012 10:09:00 AM  


  4. ColleenAnymore // 1/23/2012 02:37:00 PM  

    Connecting to IRC shouldn't be that hard, folks. Copy the irc:// link from Alan's comment into your browser. Maybe you have an IRC client or add-in already installed.

    Or, go to and install Java from there. Then start over with the instructions.

    Thanks, FILEnetworks Blog. Glad to see you're back!

  5. Trade // 1/23/2012 04:41:00 PM - Open Registration!

    Signup URL:

  6. jeff ware // 1/23/2012 08:16:00 PM  

    For those that are getting the error when trying to signin to chat, there is a 2d box that comes up warning about security components. If you press Yes on this you will get that error.
    You must press No on this box.
    So, press Run on the 1st box and No on the second and you will get in.

  7. jeff ware // 1/23/2012 08:21:00 PM  

    Sorry I do not know how to edit a comment.
    If you go back and still can not get in, you need to close your browser and try again.
    If that does not work, run CCleaner after closing the browser.

  8. Anonymous // 1/24/2012 09:03:00 PM  

    thank you sir

  9. Lupu Andrew // 2/07/2012 03:15:00 AM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  10. Lupu Andrew // 2/07/2012 03:16:00 AM  

    #tlinvites You need voice (+v) (#tlinvites)

    How much time you need to wait ? I don't think someone will receive something.

  11. Anandh T S // 2/13/2012 11:32:00 AM  

    invites are closed right now:(

  12. Anandh T S // 2/13/2012 11:33:00 AM  

    invites are closed :(

  13. moonjee // 3/01/2012 04:40:00 PM  

    everything went alright but i never received email ?

  14. Ajesh // 4/21/2012 01:00:00 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  15. Ajesh // 4/21/2012 01:01:00 PM  

    Doesn't work, automatically logged off the chat as email ids are not allowed on chat!!!

  16. carlos140 // 5/14/2012 07:41:00 PM  

    Nope, didn't work for me either. Installed the Java, got to the chat room, typed my email address, immediately cut me off, .. and zip, nada, nunca, nothing! Same, looks like a great site. Any other suggestions?

  17. carlos140 // 5/14/2012 07:43:00 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  18. alcsz // 5/24/2012 03:26:00 PM  

    Contact me if you really need a torrentleech invite - no waiting alecs2k7 (at)

  19. alcsz // 5/24/2012 03:26:00 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  20. alcsz // 5/24/2012 03:26:00 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  21. Emperor KC // 5/30/2012 01:14:00 AM  

    Is it still possible to get an invite to the site? In the chat it says that invites are closed, so does that mean there is no way to get an invite untill invites are open again?

  22. theme // 7/08/2012 01:02:00 AM  

    hello iam willing to trade a demonoid invite for torrentleechmy ratio is almost 2.0 downloaded more than 200 gigs uploaded way over three i let my comp on all day and night seeding please email me at

  23. J // 7/17/2012 09:46:00 PM  

    if you want a Invite, sign up for the TL contest

  24. Media Guy // 9/01/2012 12:29:00 AM  

    every time I try to log into the chat room, it says that I llok like a bot??? wtf?

  25. xkolex // 9/12/2012 07:36:00 AM  

    Inv plz.

  26. Simon // 9/26/2012 05:27:00 PM  

    It dont work for me :( May you help me?

  27. Simon // 9/26/2012 05:28:00 PM  

    It doesnt work for me :( Please help

  28. Miscellaneous Maria // 9/28/2012 04:35:00 AM  

    No email sent...look like an awesome site. Plz send invite if you can...

  29. Unknown // 9/29/2012 07:31:00 PM  

    after typing my email into IRC i got disconnected.. yet to receive a invite though.. any ideas as ive been trying to get one for awhile now...

    my email is if anyone has a spare...

  30. mike // 10/02/2012 06:44:00 PM  

    how long does it take for the server to respond?

  31. Sj // 10/10/2012 01:23:00 AM  

    not working!!!! Can someone please send me an invite for this tracker?...
    I would be grateful..

  32. Sj // 10/10/2012 01:25:00 AM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  33. // 10/18/2012 12:02:00 PM  

    Awesome general tracker.. One of the best out there is definetely Torrentleech.

    You can get an invite over:

    Enjoy the torrentleech...

  34. Gness // 11/12/2012 11:15:00 PM  

    Thanks man. You just made me banned for trusting you.

  35. Unknown // 11/22/2012 04:59:00 AM  

    worse place ive ever been to would not touch this site with a barch pole

  36. Unknown // 11/29/2012 02:26:00 AM free invite torrentleech press skip ad :)

  37. Unknown // 12/15/2012 08:47:00 AM  
  38. Unknown // 1/05/2013 02:58:00 AM  

    does not word for me. Can anyone help me?

  39. Unknown // 2/03/2013 11:31:00 PM  

    I did everything like in the description but i didn't receive invite..Please help I need that invite a lot, thanks.

  40. Unknown // 2/05/2013 09:34:00 PM  

    Closing Link: faresnake[] (no public email addresses)
    Disconnected from

  41. Anonymous // 2/25/2013 12:40:00 AM  

    haha yeah right, it's all the opposite if you want a code you have to first convince someone that you are valueble for them, you must have some hard to find files and get someone really interested on those.

  42. Ichhizaki // 4/23/2013 06:32:00 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  43. Ichhizaki // 4/23/2013 07:03:00 PM  

    I'm selling torrentleech invites at 10 $(can be discussed).
    Anyone interested can send me an e-mail:

  44. Unknown // 5/16/2013 10:32:00 PM  

    Can anyone spare a TL inv? :( i have good Inet connection and will seed :( glady apreciated


  45. Unknown // 5/30/2013 05:24:00 PM  

    Would love an invite PC on 24/7. If anyone can spare one. ^_^

  46. Unknown // 6/03/2013 02:29:00 AM  

    please some one give an invite please please.

  47. Anonymous // 7/04/2013 05:07:00 AM is the best way to get invites to private torrent sites.

    They’re pretty new and don’t have too many torrent sites available, but they do have TorrentLeech, PassThePopcorn,, and some other really good sites.

  48. Anonymous // 7/04/2013 05:07:00 AM is the best way to get invites to private torrent sites.

    They’re pretty new and don’t have too many torrent sites available, but they do have TorrentLeech, PassThePopcorn,, and some other really good sites.

  49. Anonymous // 7/08/2013 10:35:00 PM  

    best way to get invite is to talk to the ppl in chat.i did for about 3 days and i got an invite im now a member

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  51. Zech // 8/14/2013 07:15:00 AM  

    Does anyone can give me a invitation code?

  52. powerof1 // 9/18/2013 04:00:00 PM  

    Invite Paradise | .::IP::. Your Hunting For Torrent Invites/Accounts Finishes Here !!!. Its New Community for Torrent Invite With All Elite Torrent Trackers Includes FTN Exigo HDbits Endoftheinternet CHDbits BTN PTP And Many More...

  53. Joseph W Hoagland Sr. // 10/11/2013 12:05:00 AM  

    Pffft... I just did all this article said and was met by an asshole who said the only way to get an invite is to KNOW someone on the site. I was also told this post was 2 years old.
    I say fuggit. It ain't worth arguing with exclusive nerds. I can find another way to get what I want then to deal with assholes.

  54. Anonymous // 10/24/2013 12:02:00 PM  

    You got a really useful blog I have been here reading for about an hour. I am a newbie and your success is very much an inspiration for me.

    How To Send An Invitation

  55. InviteShare.NET // 12/05/2013 01:37:00 PM  

    You can get Torrentleech invite and some other invites for free from this forum:

  56. Unknown // 1/02/2014 11:36:00 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  57. Unknown // 1/02/2014 11:37:00 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  58. Unknown // 1/02/2014 11:38:00 PM  

    to get an free invite!!

    just flow the instructions!

  59. Unknown // 1/03/2014 02:41:00 AM  

    You can receive Torrentleech invite here:

  60. dellopos // 1/04/2014 02:24:00 AM  

    high definition movies can be found here.

  61. InviteShare.NET // 1/11/2014 04:54:00 PM  

    You can get any torrent trackers invites (like Torrentleech) over

  62. Unknown // 1/13/2014 04:06:00 PM  

    You can receive Torrentleech invite here:

  63. Rico Mustafa // 6/06/2014 01:55:00 PM  
  64. Metamorfosis // 9/24/2014 09:58:00 PM  
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